Privacy Policy

This page dictates the Levelr privacy policy.

Last updated and effective as of June 19, 2023.

The defenitions listed in the Preamble of the Levelr Terms of Service apply to the Privacy Policy as well.

Collected Data

From Discord

Every effort is made to collect as little data to run Levelr from Discord as possible. Levelr only receives data from interactions from Discord as well as API calls to Discord. Levelr collects and stores the following received from Discord:

  • Discord Server IDs

  • Discord Channel IDs

  • Discord Role IDs

  • Discord User IDs

From Levelr Users

Levelr stores some user-inputted content, which is used solely to provide the service. Levelr collects and stores the following from Levelr users:

  • Booleans (used for toggling the leveling system, level up messages, etc)

  • Integers (used for storing level and xp information, among other things)

  • Strings (text that is specifically provided to Levelr through commands, such as level up messages)

From Elsewhere - Addendum

Levelr does not store information from sources other than Discord and Levelr users. None of the information Levelr stores is personally-identifiable, and most of it is just numbers. Furthermore, data is stored solely to provide the service to you. If the data that Levelr stores changes, this document will be updated accordingly.

Collection & Use of Data

We collect the data listed above in order to provide the Levelr service. Without collecting and storing the above, key features of Levelr would be impossible to provide. Without storing Server IDs, server-specific settings would be impossible, and much more.

Data Sharing

No data collected from Levelr is ever shared with any third parties. The only people who can see the data Levelr collects are its developers, Discord, and Railway. Railway is the hosting platform for Levelr, and you can view their privacy policy here. Users of the bot can see data that applies to them in command responses.

Concern Contact & Data Removal

If you have concerns regarding the data that Levelr collects for your server or concerns regarding the bot in general, you can email Regarding data removal, if you would like to have the data for your server removed, you may email the same email with your user ID and the ID for your server. Your ownership of said server will be verified and all data pertaining to your server will be removed upon your request. Do note that this will effectively reset Levelr to the state when first added to your server, and if you wish to continue using it you will have to set it up again.

Last updated