
Command Guide Preface and Introduction. The rest of the pages in this category are detailed pages of each specific command and usage.


Arguments are parameters that you pass into a command which changes its functionality. With slash commands, the slash command interface very clearly shows you what arguments are required (needed for the command to be ran) or optional (not needed but including them will change what the command does). In this guide, the following syntax will be used to refer to arguments:

  • [argument] - Square brackets around an argument denotes that this argument is required for the command.

  • <argument> - Comparison signs around an argument denotes that this argument is optional.

Command Permission Overview

Editing Permissions

In order to manage access to Levelr's commands, you must use Levelr's tab under Server Settings > Integrations. Here you can customize permissions to use Levelr's commands on a channel, role, or user basis. This means you can fine-tune who you wish to be able to use any given command. Please note that users with the Administrator permission bypass slash command permissions, so they can always use any command.

Sane Limits

When adding Levelr to your server, some commands come with built-in permission restrictions. These built-in permission restrictions are to ensure the bot cannot be misused when first added to your server, before setup is complete. The restrictions are as follows:

Administrator Restricted

  • /config (and all subcommands)

  • /quickstart

  • /levelr

  • /givexp

  • /takexp

  • /resetxp

Not Restricted

  • /settings (and all subcommands)

  • /syncroles

  • /compare

  • /counts

  • /help

  • /rank

  • /leaderboard

  • /level

  • /stats

  • /syncroles

Last updated