Activity Roles

Information for the Activity Roles system

This is a Beta Feature. It has been tested and should work in most situations, but it may not in all. Please report any bugs found that relate to this feature.

Commands Used

/config activeroles add
/config activeroles remove
/config activeroles view

Additional Information

The commands listed above are used to manage the Activity Roles sytem. This system grants roles to the highest member on any of the leaderboards. You can customize the role to give, the frequency at which it is given (hourly, daily, weekly, or all-time) and the frequency corresponds to the leaderboard of the same frequency. You can also allow or disallow consecutive role recipients. Furthermore, you can set custom roles that are excluded from the activity role. This is useful if you don't want a certain group of people in your server to be eligible for activity roles.

If the highest user on a leaderboard is ineligible for an active role for any reason (they leave the server, they won it last time, they have an excluded role) the second highest user on the same leaderboard will be given the role, and so on.

Users with any of the excluded roles are ineligible for that active role.

A server can have up to four active roles set.

Last updated