Level Roles

Information for the Level Roles system

Commands Used

/config levelroles add
/config levelroles remove
/config levelroles view
/config rolestack

Additional Information

The commands listed above are used to manage the Level Roles system. Level Roles are given to a user when they reach a certain level. The rolestack command lets you toggle whether or not these roles will stack on a user's profile. For example, if rolestacking is enabled and a user is level 50 in a server, they would have all the level roles in the server up to level 50. If rolestacking is disabled, the same user would only have the highest level role that is on the list (most likely the level 50 role itself). Level roles are given to a user when they level up to a level that grants them.

Level Roles are not assigned retroactively. Ex: If you set a level role at level 10, any users that are already above that level will not be given the role automatically.

Level Roles are checked on every level up to ensure that the user has the proper roles.

Level Roles are given when the /givexp, /takexp, and /resetxp commands are used.

Level Roles are not given to users that have left upon rejoining a server.

You can trigger a manual sync of your level roles with the /syncroles command.

Last updated