
Introduction to Levelr

Welcome to the documentation for Levelr, a customizable discord leveling bot. In these docs you will find a full guide to Levelr and all it's commands, as well as the terms of service and privacy policy.

Levelr uses Slash Commands to accept user input.

Throughout this guide, slash commands will be referred to with a / before them, so you can know a command is being talked about.

Inviting The Bot

You can invite Levelr to your server with this link. The permissions that are requested are all needed for the bot to function, and the bot will also add the slash commands it uses to function. Once you've added the bot to your server, you will have to set it up for it to be able to function properly.

The default invite link for Levelr calls for the following permissions:

  • Manage Roles

  • Manage Nicknames

  • Read Messages

  • Send Messages

  • Send Messages in Threads

  • Embed Links

  • Attatch Files

  • Read Message History

  • Use External Emoji

Also, Levelr will request for slash commands to be added to your server, which is needed to interact with the bot. The above permissions are also the minimum needed when inviting the bot. This excludes Manage Nicknames, which will be used in future Levelr versions.


In order for Level Roles to function, Levelr's role must be above all the roles you wish to assign with the bot in the role hierarchy. However, if you are not using this feature, Levelr's role can be wherever you wish in the hierarchy.

Status Page

Levelr has a publicly avaliable status page, which you can view here. It lists current and historical uptime for all Levelr services, and is the place where downtime and maintenance will be posted accurately and quickly.

Last updated